Brera Design District

Forme dell'abitare

Un dibattito sulle nuove esigenze abitative e sugli spazi domestici

Brera Design Week 2021 promotes the theme “Forms of Living" suggested by, an opportunity for exchange and debate on new domestic spaces and living needs, as a direct consequence of the pandemic. This pandemic has transformed and will continue to transform, on top of many other things, our cities’ spaces and identities, encouraging architects and urbanists to search for new sustainable development solutions, to improve social, environmental and territorial quality. In this context we find the “15-minute city”, based on the concept of proximity, according to which citizens should be able to reach within a 15-minute time span, on foot or by bicycle, all necessary services. In these years we have seen the fastest changes and transformations than ever: design can be a useful tool to detect them, understand and offer effective solutions.